Institutional presentation at International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA). June 10-16. Barcelona, Spain.
The École universitaire de recherche (EUR) ArTeC is a consortium of fourteen French institutions including univer- sities, grandes écoles, museums, and archives. ArTeC was established in 2018 at the initiative of universities Paris 8, Nanterre, and Paris Lumière with the intention to consoli- date a long-term project on art and science for education and research. In this presentation we highlight some milestones over the last three years of development. Moreover, special attention will be given to the importance of ArTeC in the development of art-science and humanities-technologies projects. One of the projects that will be showcased is HOM - Hydrology of Media which aims at establishing connec- tions at the crossing-boundaries between several disciplines and practices. We also discuss the role of ArTeC as an or- ganizing partner of ISEA 2023, that will take place in Paris, France.