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What makes an image?

International seminar hosted at Université Paris 8 on Feb. 28 2020

Published onApr 22, 2020
What makes an image?

The international symposium "What makes an image?: inscriptions, digital spaces and forms" explored what making an image entails in the digital age. It took place at Université Paris 8 on Friday February 28 2020 and it was the first event by members of HOM.

The symposium aimed at interweaving literature, the arts, translation, computer science and information and communication sciences. We thus brought together artists and researchers to discuss every facet of the materiality of new creations, the contributions of digital technology to the thematization of subjects and forms of collaboration, distribution, archiving and management (new creation platforms, programming languages, algorithms).

The speakers included: J.R. Carpenter, Barbara Flueckiger, Francesca Franco, Florent Di Bartolo, Manon Denoun, Marie-Pierre Burquier, Federico Biggio and Véronique Peyrot.

The book of abstracts is available at HAL:

Everardo’s opening slides are here:

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