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Liquid Landscapes Error

Published onDec 10, 2022
Liquid Landscapes Error

You're viewing an older Release (#2) of this Pub.

  • This Release (#2) was created on Dec 10, 2022 ()
  • The latest Release (#3) was created on Dec 15, 2022 ().

A frame from the video artwork Liquid Landscapes Error by Helena Hernández Acuaviva, 2022

Liquid Landscapes Error is the result of a reflection around the video glitches that happen when video recordings are created, processed or re-transmitted to other supports. For us, the error or the glitch becomes a source for graphic creativity, enabling alternative image and sound processes that could be imperceptible to the viewer of the artwork.

Liquid Landscapes Error consists of a series of distorted recordings, with visual and audio lags, within an adaptable format of 2304 x 1280px.

The source images were extracted from the YouTube platform. The criteria to search and to select such images was in relation to oneiric, impossible, and unreachable landscapes. In this video artwork we try to make evident the wrongfulness of these kind of images, that barely coincide with reality. In this way, the video is hypnotic and disturbing at some point, precisely because the sequence of images becomes a wave flow of expanded and distorted images. We have tried to emphasize this double sensation by using out of tune sounds and noises bordering the unpleasant. Furthermore, the visual aesthetics recalls the artistic and aleatory creations generated with AI techniques, which produces without consciousness, resulting commonly on unpleasant images that are far form what we recognize as reality in the physical world.

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Helena Hernández Acuaviva is enrolled in the Doctorate program "Art and Heritage" at the Universidad de Sevilla. She investigates experimental research with various artistic languages and applied technologies, materials, procedures, and techniques.

Title: Liquid Landscapes Error. Videoarte, 2304 x 1280px, 1min 25secs

Helena Hernández Acuaviva, 2022


A frame from the video artwork Liquid Landscapes Error by Helena Hernández Acuaviva, 2022

A frame from the video artwork Liquid Landscapes Error by Helena Hernández Acuaviva, 2022

A frame from the video artwork Liquid Landscapes Error by Helena Hernández Acuaviva, 2022

A frame from the video artwork Liquid Landscapes Error by Helena Hernández Acuaviva, 2022

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